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Voice Recognition

Year 2 Timeline

Resident Educator "Year 2" Timeline

Expectations of Mentor and Resident Educator 
 Sept.*Syntheses of Student Data Class Profile
*Analyze Student Learning
__Informal Observations to build rapport
___Smart Goals Setting 
__ Mentor assists RE with “Teaching Environment: Class, School, and District and Community.
__Work on RE Year 2 Self-Assessment-OTES (Google on ODE website)
__Work on RE Year 2 Self-Assessment Summary-OTES (Google on ODE website)
 __Mentor meets with RE one hour weekly
__Continue working on Assessment of Student Learning Papers (See Above)
__Continue working on Self-Assessment and Self-Assessment summary
__Have mentor and RE analyze a RE’s Lesson plan
__Work on first Instructional Cycle 1 using Instructional Cycle 1-3
*Planning guide and Analyzing Student work (Whole Class) (from Sept.)
__Above Observations can be finished (from Sept.)
__ Choose a lesson and video-record yourself teaching the lesson 
 __Mentor meets with RE one hour weekly
__Continue working on Assessment of Student Learning papers (from Sept)
__Continue working on first Instructional Cycle 1-3 (From Oct.)
*Planning Guide and Analyzing Student Work (Whole Class) (from Sept.)
 ___Video recordlesson and use the RESA Handbook to evaluate your recording using the Weak-to-Strong Evidence Continuum

___Focus on the following part from the RESA Manual:

Lesson Reflection Domain 3: Teacher's Explantion of Content

Lesson Reflection Domain 4: Classroom Environment Conducive to Learning

Lesson Reflection Domain 5: Student Intellectual Engagement 

__ Mentor Leader will check Notebook
__Mentor meets with RE one hour weekly
__Finish working on first Instructional Cycle 1-3
*Planning Guide and Analyzing Student Work (Whole Class)
__Mentor meets with RE one hour weekly
__Continue working on Assessment of Student Learning papers (See student grouping from Sept. Semester Classes select new groups)
_Begin work on second Instructional Cycle 1-3
Planning Guide and Analyzing Student Work (Whole Class)
__Ongoing Mentor/RE Observation
__Reciprocal or exemplary teacher observations by RE
__ Mentor Leader will check RE Notebook
__ Choose a second lesson and video-record yourself teaching the lesson
___Mentor meets with RE one hour weekly
__Continue working on Assessment of Student Learning papers (See student grouping from Sept. Semester Classes select new groups)

___Focus on the following part from the RESA Manual:

Lesson Reflection Domain 3: Teacher's Explantion of Content

Lesson Reflection Domain 4: Classroom Environment Conducive to Learning

Lesson Reflection Domain 5: Student Intellectual Engagement 

__Continue working on second Instructional Cycle 1-3 
__Finish up Goal Setting: Mid-Year Review
__Mentor meets with RE one hour weekly
__Continue working on Assessment of Student Learning papers (See Above)
__Continue working on second Instructional Cycle 1-3 Planning Guide and Analyzing Student Work (Whole Class) (should finish this month)
__Formal: Formal Observation (Pre and Post ) should be finished
 Apr.__Mentor meets with RE one hour weekly
Review Self-Assessment and Self-Assessment Summary-OTES
__ Notebooks due after Spring Break
Collaborative Conversations