Senior photo deadline for Comus is Thursday, December 21st (last day before Winter Break). Please adhere to the following rules to be sure you will be included:
- No graffiti or hand signs.
- No writing or text on your photo.
- No animals.
- No "hidden" messages.
- No friends or family in your photos — one senior per photo, the senior only.
- No screenshots as the quality is too poor for print reproduction.
- No photos from social media as the quality is too poor for print reproduction.
All photos submitted for the yearbook must be appropriate and in good taste, which is under the discretion of administration and yearbook advisors. Photos are printed at 1.5 inches by 2.5 inches, so full body shots make your face much too small to be recognized in the yearbook. The yearbook photo is for friends to remember your face!
Traditional school photos taken by our photographer on picture day (or the make-up day) will be used in the yearbook if no image is provided that follows these guidelines by the December 21st deadline.
* If you know you will not be able to schedule a professional portrait session before Winter Break, our yearbook staff will schedule photo sessoins for seniors at no cost. If you wish to do this, you will also need to provide a media storage method such as a memory card or thumb drive. You will be responsible for making prints for your personal use.