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Voice Recognition

Work Permits

Zanesville High School  \  Students  \  Work Permits

Ohio Work Permit

All minors under age 18 who are in paid employment must have a valid work permit during the school year, and those who are 14 and 15 must obtain a work permit at all times of the year. Work permits are obtained by completing the following pre-application form and then submitting it to the school, where a permit is issued based on the information provided on the form. Also included here is the Physician's Certificate, which is for those minors who are required to take a physical for employment purposes.

1. Pre-Application Form: All information must be completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian.
2. Pledge of Employer: To be completed by the employer, including the employer's Tax ID number.
3. Physician's Certificate: To be completed and signed by the applicant's physician.

When all information is complete, return to Mrs. Maxwell in the ZHS Counseling office along with a birth certificate, birth record, or driver's license. Applicant will be contacted when the paperwork is complete and ready to be signed by the student (turnaround time should be about 24 hours).