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Voice Recognition

Title I

The District has made a determination to concentrate its funds at the K-12 level to provide supplemental support for the students in the district from a young age. Zanesville City Schools utilizes all of its Title I funds to provide services in each of the District's buildings.
 Building / District InformationNo. of StudentsNo. Qualified
for Free / Reduced Lunch
Pct. of School Population
F / R 
John McIntire ES73868.08
National Road ES386100.00
Zane Grey ES945
Building InformationTitle I Eligibility
Title I Served / Program
John McIntire ESXSchool-Wide Program
National Road ESXSchool-Wide Program
Zane Grey ESXSchool-Wide Program
ZMSXSchool-Wide Program
ZHSXSchool-Wide Program
DISTRICTXSchool-Wide Program
School / District
Status of 2014-15 School Year
John McIntire ESSchool Improvement
National Road ESSchool Improvement
Zane Grey ESSchool Improvement
ZHSSchool Improvement
School / District
Status of 2014-15 School Year
John McIntire ESSchool Improvement, Year 6
National Road ESSchool Improvement, Year 7
Zane Grey ESSchool Improvement, Year 6
ZMSSchool Improvement, Year 7
ZHSSchool Improvement, Year 8
  • Personnel totaling 15.0 FTE Public, 0.5 FTE Non-Public – 15.5 consolidates.
  • Reading Recovery, Supplemental Reading, Literacy Collaborative Coaches, Math Coaches assigned to the following school-wide program buildings:
Building Grade Levels
John McIntire ES K-6 3.0
National Road ES K-6 3.0
Zane Grey ES PK-6 7.0
ZMS 7-8 1
ZHS 9-12 1
  • The Title I Program serves approximately 3,816 students in the public and non-public schools program.
  • The total allocation for FY 2015 is $2,668,088.87
For additional information, or if you have questions, please contact Zanesville City Schools, 740.454.9751
Title 1 Program Survey
Please complete this survey to let us know your opinions of our Title I programs at Zanesville City Schools.

I feel comfortable with Title I services being provided to my child.
I feel that I am welcome to be involved in the Title I program.
I feel that I have had opportunities to become involved in my child's Title I program.
I have been informed about my child's progress throughout the year.
I have been given opportunities to make suggestions about my child's participation in the Title I program.
I have been provided with information about how I can help my child with his/her schoolwork.
My child's grades have improved since participating in Title I>
What aspects of the Title I program have been most helpful to your child?
What type(s) of training/programs would you like to see the school provide for parents?
(Type "other" responses here)
captcha image

To validate your submission, please type the answer to the question.

Services Provided
  • Staff development for the building and the District. This is accomplished through group instruction, small-group instruction, modeling, and utilizing the coaching model.
  • Literacy and Mathematics Coaches provide regular classroom support in the implementation of an instructional framework for learning through a coaching model based on scientific research.
  • Literacy Collaborative was started in grades K-8. Teachers participate in building and grade-level meetings throughout the school year. During the meetings, teachers discuss teaching techniques and observe a model classroom.
  • Literacy Coaches serving K-8, representing 7 FTE (full-time equivalents).
  • Mathematics Coaches serving K-6, representing 1 FTE at Zane Grey Elementary.
  • In order to support the philosophy that all children can learn, a building-needs assessment survey is used to establish priorities for additional services.
  • A 90- to 120-minute literacy block of time – uninterrupted for reading and writing in all Title I served buildings.
  • Wilson Phonics intervention for struggling readers in grades K-3.
  • Guided reading groups.
  • Training sessions for parents.
  • Reading Recovery: In the program, each teacher works with 9-12 at-risk students – individually in first grade, plus small groups of struggling readers using the in-class and / or pull-out instructional models.
  • School-parent compacts.
  • Annual parent meeting conducted in each Title I school.
  • Accelerated Reader in middle school and high school.